Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ring Me (My top ring picks for the holiday season)




Thursday, September 9, 2010

Visit the NEW AND IMPROVED closet fashionista here

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I love simple. I just wish everything was as simple as the fashion is getting. To me this new trend is just as beautiful as the complicated and busy ensembles that were being produced earlier this year. Sometimes less is more.Beautiful that is.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Such a shoe as beautiful as this I'm sure will cost me my entire college savings BUT I DON'T CARE!!!!! I must have these heels!!!! Not only do these shoes make me want to rob a bank but they make me want to cry beacause I am reminded of how creatively advanced and gifted MCqueen was as a designer. If I ever got my hands on these heels, I would wear them while pumping gas, at school, to doctors appointments, to the beach and even to the mountains!! I would cherish them like a newborn baby and I'de probably defend them like the fictional character from Lord of the Rings, Golum, would defend his "precious"ring. My obsession with these shoes will never perrish for I am determined to obtain these dream shoes!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Well I know I have titled this post as"Fall Obsessions' but I have to admit that I'm still stuck on Spring things such as:bright and pastel hues, and glittery frocks. Who says I have to wear a brown coat and a plaid scarf this Fall? I'm wingin it!!!! Sooooooo I must start off by explaining my excitment for a new movie that will appear in Theatres soon. It is called "Somewhere" and it stars the little sister of Dakota Fanning, Elle Fanning, a precious new and emerging starlet, and is directed by the Academy Award winning director ,Sofia Coppola, who directed "Marie Antionette". Moving on... I am a new christopher Kane fan and I am particularily hung up on his resort collection still. I love how his collection looked like an apple computer screensaver. I loved the space aged prints mixed with the fluffy,playful heels which reminded me of the shoes I used to play dress up in as a child.

Above are some of my quirky "gotta have -its" for this Fall. I recently purchased this funky polka dotted dress at H&M,dressed it up with some heels and necklaces and made my way to my cousin"s wedding. It was a hit actually. It seems as though anything is acceptable now a days at weddings. Turning to the clear bag I really think these bags are going to make a serious comeback. Watch out for what you put in them though. Also I never have owned a really cute bright colored leather bag so I went on to take a peek and quickly discovered this juicy orange tote. I thik that it can be pulled off for the fall season. It adds a little pop to an outfitt that consists mostly of muted colors.

Love these coats. And the HAIR!!!! Materpieces. Now down below is a very practical look from Rag&Bone which has been inspiring me lately. A warm cozy,chunky cardigan is easily found almost anywhere and is great for everyday wear. I could see this one being paired with some jeans and a fitted blouse.

Lately I am completely obssesed with The Rachel Zoe Preoject. Since Ugly BEtty was devistatingly canceled, I have been religiously TVOing this series. I'm like a crack addict waiting for my dose of hardcore fashion medicine every Monday night. I even presented my hairstylist a picture of Rachel as an inspiration for my haircolor and cut. I need rehab.

It's all about metalics for me this Fall. Ill probably place a metalic dress with sheer tights under a warm coat or maybe just a sweet dress with a metalic scarf and some tights and doc martins or something. I dont know, dressing for cold fall days is generally a pretty relaxed and easy process. I learned that you can esily transform your summer wordrobe into Fall just by adding boots and tights.
I love freja Beha's hair in this Vogue cover. Simple and feminine but also androgyny at the same!
Rachel once again....................